Cameron Graham

Photograph of Cameron Graham

Cameron is a sound artist, drummer and composer based in a caravan in the UK. He has written ambient concert pieces for orchestras, composed woozy multimedia projects for chamber ensembles, is polishing off a ritualistic mini-album featuring hand-made instruments, and building a large-scale digital worlding project dedicated to static caravans. He is also completing (2022) his doctoral research in music, metaphors and world-building. His work typically sits somewhere between the composed and the installed, creating experiences of kilter, self-exposure, woozy familiarity, light spiritual reverence and intoxication.

His long-running side project, The Poet Mechanic, is an art and sound icon formed from a prosthetic totem grown on a vinyl disk. He has recently begun designing a series of digital arcade machines that will generate responsive electronic music through machine learning. In 2022-23, he is releasing a painfully joyful electronic dance album with a UK-based independent label.